
Upgrade to an all-in-one client communication platform


Toggle tax - 4 hours a week wasted switching apps

June 22, 20231 min read

With all those single use apps (many introduced during covid) as part of a company’s tech stack, there is a new “tax” that has appeared - the toggle tax. 

Toggle refers to switching between apps (of any kind) and the tax element refers to the equated cost per time spent toggling.

The average professional takes just over two seconds to transition between two tasks or applications. Harvard research recently published a study showing that the average Fortune 500 employee toggles between apps approximately 1,200 times per day.

Putting these “toggles” in context, those two seconds add up to four hours a week or 10% of the work year. Not only does the toggle tax cost time and money but also adds to the stress of the employee. 

So what is Qwil Messenger’s mission?

What started as a professional alternative to WhatsApp (but secure and compliant) is now an all-in-one client communication channel so we are chipping at these single use apps so there. We reduce the toggle tax as everything is in the same place. E-signature is not another application, it is just a message!

Have a look at your potential new tech stack below and just click for a trial. No credit card details required and you get your tenancy in 1 minute! 

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